Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First Transponder For Commercial Use

The GM PUMA is going to be equipped with a transponder, to help the PUMA behave like a pedestrian in busy street. The transponder will allow the puma to automatically sense other objects that may cause collisions
“What we want to do is have people have the freedom to go where they want when they want in the city without all of the side effects we've experienced over the years” said GMs vice president of research, development and strategies planning, Larry Burns.
Also reported by Christopher Borroni-Bird, Gm’s director of advanced technology vehicle concepts, that the puma will turn the daily commute into a more useful and enjoyable time by having a geo-positioning system to enable the PUMA to travel at a speed of 16 MPH without driver input.
That’s right the Jetson’s era might just be around the corner.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

PUMA new ion battery

Much like a Segway, the PUMA will move around the city on only two wheels. The same stabilization system that is currently on Segway's scooter has been adapted for use on the PUMA. It also uses a Smart Battery Management System to keep the Lithium-Ion Battery Packs providing an even supply of energy to the electric motors.

this is the latest news, things seem to be moving along well with the partnership. the smart battery management system is just another green feature on this ground breaking vehicle

Saturday, April 18, 2009

PUMA headed in the same direction as other small vehicle?

GM has partnered with Segway to create the new electric car, PUMA. The new car will run on electricity only, and according to designer will cost about $1.00 dollar of electricity to charge the car entirely. This means that you’ll pay about $1.00 for about 35 miles of riding. GM predicts the PUMA to be in full production by 2012.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Some not so positive criticism

So it is with all products, including automobiles, customers must like them or they won’t buy. If the Puma by GM is an example of Washington mandated design, GM might just as well close now, and save public money. If the customer doesn’t like a model, it won’t buy it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

GM Breaking the mold

GM recently reveled its latest creation; the P.U.M.A (personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility) was unveiled to the public in the 2009 New York Auto Show. This new form of vehicle is design for short travel, with a seating capacity of two and maxing out at 35 Mph, the PUMA can run about 35 miles with one charge. Not bad considering that the charging time is about 6 – 8 hours on a regular house outlet.
GM’s new creation is expected to produce a prototype with in the next 90 days. Let’s hope Obama likes it.